Dual-Domain attention for Facial Emotion Recognition, and Fusion attention network

Dual-Domain attention for Facial Emotion Recognition, and Fusion attention network

Computer Science
Attention Mechanism
Deep Learning
June 21, 2023
Minh-Hai Tran, Advisor: Tram-Tran Nguyen-Quynh
Full text in Vietnamese, slide and poster here


The ideas in my thesis have been shared with another person and have been published at the 2023 ICIP conference and ASK conference, but I am not listed as an author (Even though it was my idea - proposed 1 and proposed 2). So, if you read a paper or a thesis with similar ideas, please note that I'm not the one who copied them :)

Summary of the thesis:

The recognition of human emotions is a highly applicable and extensively researched problem in the field of computer vision. Various applications, such as ensuring driving safety, analyzing learning conditions, and understanding customer and human psychology, demonstrate the significance of emotion recognition. However, existing emotion recognition tasks often overlook context, focusing solely on facial expressions. Context plays a crucial role, contributing to approximately 40% of human emotion identification in real-life situations.
Modern deep learning methods employing Attention mechanisms have achieved notable success on real-world datasets related to human facial expressions. Nevertheless, Attention-based methods still have limitations, such as incomplete coverage of essential aspects, and they are not widely utilized in context-aware human emotion recognition.
This thesis delves into the challenges of human emotion recognition and modern methods employing Attention mechanisms to address these challenges. Additionally, it proposes a Dual-Domain Attention Module for improved object classification by combining context and spatial domains to generate comprehensive attention feature maps. The thesis introduces Fusion Attention, a method leveraging both global and local attention mechanisms to identify optimal features before making emotion predictions.
Furthermore, the Dual-Domain Attention Module is applied to context-aware human emotion recognition, utilizing features extracted from facial data in the dataset. The results obtained on FER2013, RAF-DB, and EMOTIC datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods compared to contemporary approaches.


The recognition of human emotions plays a crucial role in human-computer interaction systems. There are various methods to identify a person's emotions, such as voice, facial expressions, or gestures. Facial emotion recognition involves multiple factors, including the surrounding environment, known as context [6], or psychological factors [7]. As a result, it has significant impacts and applications in daily life as well as in related research fields.
In the field of computer science, facial emotion recognition is a broad and extensively researched topic. In Figure 1, various facial expressions are illustrated.
                                                         Figure 1. Examples of facial emotions
Figure 1. Examples of facial emotions
Currently, applications of facial expression analysis are widely implemented in real-life scenarios, such as criminal psychology analysis, ensuring driving safety [8], and in educational settings, like analyzing cognitive learning states [9]. Moreover, automated systems for detecting and recognizing facial emotions have the ability to analyze customer psychology [10], particularly in large sectors such as commerce and advertising. Customers often express their emotions through their faces when observing and evaluating products or when providing feedback on services. Additionally, there are numerous applications in managing and analyzing crowds for governmental agencies or managers in places like stadiums and supermarkets [11].
With the advancement of technology, current facial emotion recognition methods can be categorized into two branches based on two types of image data: controlled data and real-world complex data. Recent studies have achieved high accuracy, exceeding 90% for controlled datasets like CK+ [12] and over 80% for MMI datasets [13]. However, accuracy tends to be lower for real-world complex datasets, such as FER2013 [14] with current accuracy below 80% or EmotiW [15]. This study focuses on experimentation and improvement of models on real-world datasets


2.1. Dual-Domain Attention

Attention mechanisms have become crucial in modern techniques for facial emotion recognition. In this chapter, we propose a new attention network called "Dual-Domain Attention" that integrates local context from the spatial domain and global context from the context domain from the feature maps. This attention module learns from residual attention in the feature maps of both domains to focus on crucial facial parts, such as eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, where emotions are most clearly expressed. This enables the model to generate more meaningful representations of facial features, thereby improving accuracy in facial emotion recognition tasks. Experiments conducted on FER2013 and RAF-DB demonstrate superior performance compared to existing advanced methods.
Figure 2. Dual-Domain Attention integrated into 4 stages of the ResNet network. (a) ResNet architecture. (b) Dual-Domain Attention in stage 2 of ResNet. (c) Dual-Domain Fusion used to combine the two domains. (d) Multi-level attention.
Figure 2. Dual-Domain Attention integrated into 4 stages of the ResNet network. (a) ResNet architecture. (b) Dual-Domain Attention in stage 2 of ResNet. (c) Dual-Domain Fusion used to combine the two domains. (d) Multi-level attention.
Table 1: Compare with SOTA method
Inception [44]
RAN [36]
MLCNNs [35]
SCN [45]
ResNet-50 + CBam [29]
DACL [46]
ResMaskingNet [29]
KTN [47]
LHC-Net [41]
EfficientFace [48]
ResNet-50 + DDA (ours)
MViT [49]
ResNet-34 + DDA (ours)
DAN [38]
ResNet-50 + DDA (ours)
notion image
notion image
           Resnet50 Grad-Cam on RAF-DB
Resnet50 Grad-Cam on RAF-DB
notion image
notion image
       Resnet50 + DDA Grad-Cam on RAF-DB
Resnet50 + DDA Grad-Cam on RAF-DB
The visualizations of Grad-CAM++ for two models, Resnet50 and Resnet50 with DDA, are presented. On the left are the visualizations for Resnet50, and on the right are those for Resnet50 with DDA. The image sequence is as follows: Original Image → Image at the 3rd stage → Image at the 4th stage. The Resnet50 model with DDA captures more features compared to when DDA is not used, particularly evident at the 3rd stage. In most images utilizing DDA, the focus is concentrated on the eyes, nose, and mouth, indicating a better prediction of emotions after passing through the final stag
Confusion matrix:
         Confusion matrix’s Resnet50 on RAF-DB
Confusion matrix’s Resnet50 on RAF-DB
      Confusion matrix’s Resnet50 + DAA on RAF-DB
Confusion matrix’s Resnet50 + DAA on RAF-DB
The confusion matrix illustrates the effectiveness of two models, Resnet50 and Resnet50 with DDA, on the RAF-DB dataset. It is noticeable that the performance of the disgust and fear classes significantly improves when using DDA. The accuracy increases from 61% to 70% for the disgust class and from 57% to 72% for the fear class. Furthermore, the accuracy for the neutral class also sees an improvement, reaching up to 93%. The highest accuracy is achieved for the happy class, reaching 95%.

2.2 Local and Global Fusion Attention Network

I employ a fusion method to combine the final features of two emotion recognition models that have already been trained. The goal of this combination is to minimize the weaknesses of each model while maximizing their strengths. To generate a new feature the same size as the input sizes, we first concatenate the two features and pass them through a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP). We average the features before passing them through the self attention block and the local attention block, and then back and forth through a completely connected network to classify emotions..
                                                        Figure 3: Local and Global attention Network
Figure 3: Local and Global attention Network
Table 2: Compare with other method
Fusion method
Model 1
Model 2
RAF-DB (%)
Late Fusion
Resnet50+DDA (Image-net)
Resnet50+DDA (VGGface2)
Early Fusion
Resnet50+DDA (Image-net)
Resnet50+DDA (VGGface2)
Resnet50 + DDA
Resnet50+DDA (Image-net)
Resnet50+DDA (VGGface2)
Fusion attention (ours)
Resnet50 + DDA
Resnet50+DDA (Image-net)
Resnet50+DDA (VGGface2)
Confusion matrix
Our methods using Resnet18 and Resnet34
Our methods using Resnet18 and Resnet34
Late fusion method using Resnet18 and Resnet3
Late fusion method using Resnet18 and Resnet3
All emotion classes in the proposed method achieve accuracy levels exceeding 80%. Particularly, the neutral, happy, and surprise emotion classes all attain accuracy levels surpassing 90%, with the neutral class reaching the highest accuracy of 99%. This highlights the strength of the model combining self-attention and local attention methods.

2.3 Embracing Context-Aware Emotion Recognition

Facial emotion recognition has seen significant progress in modern times, with many deep learning methods focusing on facial features. However, practical applications still pose numerous challenges when predicting human emotions, as they depend on various factors such as body language and the context of events rather than solely on facial expressions [13]. In this chapter, I propose a network that combines multiple models to extract features from both the face and body, providing predictions for 26 emotions on the EMOTIC dataset [18]. My approach achieves higher accuracy compared to recent methods that concentrate solely on facial and body features of the individuals.
I address the issue by reusing a facial emotion recognition model using DDA for feature extraction. Additionally, to assess effectiveness and once again compare the use of a model combining DDA with models not using DDA for feature extraction on faces. Furthermore, I construct additional features from the body by extracting features from a segmentation model as a third input. Finally, I integrate these features to make predictions across 26 emotion classes.
My primary contributions are as follows:
  • I propose a network that combines multiple models, each playing a role in feature extraction for different images, such as facial images, body images, and distinctive body feature images.
  • I apply a model utilizing DDA for optimal feature extraction and experiment with various models for comparison.
  • My experiments on EMOTIC yield promising results when using only facial and body features as input features.
                                 Figure 4: Proposed method for contextual emotion recognition
Figure 4: Proposed method for contextual emotion recognition
Table 3: Experiments on Emotic dataset
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3


Throughout the research and implementation of this thesis, I have proposed two attention-based methods: Dual-Domain Attention and Fusion Attention, utilizing both self-attention and local attention for facial emotion recognition. Additionally, pretrained models for facial emotion expression have been employed to address context-aware emotion recognition. The effectiveness of the Dual-Domain Attention module has been demonstrated once again.
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